Unreal Basic VFX Course Recruitment
Unreal 4,5 Cascade/Nigara parallel use beginner course
Starting in May 2024, all courses will be produced in Unreal 5 Niagara. (Instead, some modified courses in the first and second months have not yet been translated.)
The Unreal 4 Cascade Advanced course can be viewed at the link here. (The price is $149 per month!)
Although this process was created in Cascade, you can create cool effects at a very low cost, and you can also apply it in Unreal 5 and create it using Niagara (of course, it requires effort).
An intermediate course using Unreal 5 will be opened later after translation.
FX102 student work created after listening to the lecture
VOD (Video on Demand) lectures, access the site to enroll
LinkedIn, resume, Art Station, or your YouTube account.(verification of name and country via social media) personal information authentication required
Unreal Engine setup, game effects production concepts, effect layout creation, texture creation, 3D mesh creation, material creation, Cascade creation, Niagara creation
Over 9 effects, 6-month course, total lecture time of 112 hours plus bonus
Monthly enrollment, with 4-5 hours of video runtime per week
Payment available monthly or for 6 months, PayPal accepted
Portfolio creation using Sequencer
Effect creation using Niagara Fluid
Images and textures necessary for the lecture provided / Inquiries via Discord
The instructors of this course are officially certified instructors from epic.
(In Korea, there are currently 6 people, and they are the only ones in the effect field.)
Rinban worked as a game effector from 2006 to 2019.
(Nexon, Neowiz, Devcat… worked for famous companies in Korea.)
Since 2019, he has been working as an Unreal instructor as a full-time instructor.
#WWVFX Contest Silver Award
Contact information to attend lectures
Contact Email : gamefx@kakao.com(If possible, add friends via Discord rather than via email.)
This can be spread over 6 months. Or you can spread it out over 2 months (2 times $1260//This makes it a little cheaper)
The price is $439 per month.
Price for consecutive 3-month course registration: $1,260(Save $19 per month! A total savings of $57!)
(The cheapest payment method is a 3-month continuous registration course * 2 times = $2,520)
Our course is purchased monthly. You can purchase each month for a total of 6 months, either monthly or in several installments. (This is not a subscription service. You can watch for 2 years after the first purchase.)
If you pay for our course, we will open the course immediately after confirmation.
(If you are interested in taking the course, please contact us from now on.)
This course includes many of the basic and important theories of effects. (English subtitles are provided for all main courses. The subtitles are not simply produced with Google Translator, but are translated by myself.)
We teach in-depth and meaningful theoretical aspects from a world-class effects instructor. And the entire process is provided as a total solution, from the basic effect creation process to creating cool effect examples that even experienced people will be surprised by.
Just send me a message and send me your artstation address or a simple piece of work you’ve done with Unreal VFX (ex youtube).
Please send an discord message with your LinkedIn address attached or artstaion address(or your youtube channel).
If you register for a course, you can enter the Discord group room exclusively for foreign students.
Also, add rinban as a friend and ask for feedback on any questions you have through a 1:1 message. rinban’s English is not good, but he will give you feedback even if it takes time.
You can take the course for 2 years after payment. (Viewing is guaranteed for 2 years, and streaming support may be discontinued in the future. I don’t plan on discontinuing it if possible.)
Please make sure that only you take the course. Never share with others! If caught, the lecture may be blocked.
This lecture includes approximately 112 hours of main video and 60 hours of bonus video.
The main course is the Unreal Basic Course and all courses are translated.
The bonus video provides some of the Unreal 4 Cascade Advanced course for free. Please note that translation is not provided for this course.
Even if you take our course, those who plan to create assets by duplicating the resources and materials of our course cannot take our course.
Also, those who want to take our course and create a portfolio of videos identical to the lecture videos are not eligible to take our course.
Our course is a course that teaches you basic VFX theory and the portfolio construction process, allows you to practice it, and helps you get a job with your knowledge.
This course is suitable for those who want to build a portfolio by combining the know-how of our course with your own creativity.
Month 1
Week 1 (9 hours and 30 minutes)
(Concept)Unreal Rendering Basics
(Concept) Unreal Effect Position Basics
Unreal Engine Settings/Folder Movement
Effect pipeline preview
Texture Basics (5 courses)
(Concept) Understanding texture format
material preview
Material editor preview (MT_BG solution)
(Concept)Understanding TextureCoord
Understanding Cascade
Week 2 (6 hours 30 minutes)
Introduction to Cascade
Wave effect source production
Week 3 (9 hours 4 minutes)
DusatBase effect tree source production
Crack texture drawing
Apply crack effect
(Concept) Unreal Material [BlendMode]
Week 4 (4 hours 25 minutes)
About Niagara
Creation of wave effects using Niagara
Use of rayfire
Shield effect
Area skills
Month 2
Week 1 (3 hours 45 minutes)
Effect Layout
Aura/smoke texture production
Create a new projectile modelWeek 2 (5 hours 12 minutes)
Create a new projectile effect (Cascade)
(Concept) Color and timing explanation
(Concept) Unreal 4.27 effect optimization
Week 3 (4 hours 7 minutes)
Finalizing the creation of a new launch vehicle (Cascade)
Building a new Niagara launch vehicle
Week 4 (6 hours 17 minutes)
Construction of new Niagara launch vehicle completed
Unreal 5 settings
Example creation using Niagara
Description of the effects of world position
Create 3 types of dust
Custom Depth Description
procedural decal
bolt effect
environmental effect
Month 3
Week 1 (4 hours 35 minutes)
sword layout
Electrical inspection part 1 (Cascade)
Week 2 (7 hours and 30 minutes)
Electrical inspection part 2 (Cascade)
Week 3 (6 hours)
Niagara electric meter
Week 4 (3 hours 44 minutes)
Niagara Simulated Fluid Flame
Niagara flame effect production
UMG Quest (3 hours 2 minutes)
Step (1 hour 4 minutes)
Homing projectile
Heal projectile
Month 4
Week 1 (4 hours and 30 minutes)
Dissolve effect part 1
Week 2 (3 hours 55 minutes)
Dissolve effect part2
Week 3 (3 hours 27 minutes)
Dissolve effect finish
portfolio of work
Week 4 (4 hours 55 minutes)
Resource Utilization Portfolio
Portfolio precautions
Blood appears (2 hours 38 minutes)
Cartoon style shader (1 hour 21 minutes)
beam effect
Month 5
fire attribute projectile
Ice attribute projectile
Fake depth expression effect
Lens flare effect
Mesh effect moving forward
Curvature projectile (enemies gather in one place and explode)
Electric attribute projectile
Chain lightning effect
Wind attribute projectile
Character Unlit Shader
Rock throwing effect
1st month Unreal 4 Advanced Course QNA
Post process effects